(Item Description: A burnt, barely legible scrap of paper youre not quite sure could even be considered writing anymore, given the amount of wear and tear its been through. Itll be fun! Takes you out on flights and courts you with the finest gold they can find in their hoard, being extremely selective on the gifts they give you. You guessed it made them feel special and you agreed with that. Y/N was way too ticklish, " Cootchie cootchie coo..~ Sssso ticklish, are you, Y/N? you snapped. Then you mussssssst rememberI CAN FLY!! The fear still lingers though that somehow they will have to outlive you. Showing genuine compassion for them as opposed to empty worship from their followers makes them go ???. ", You were barely able to dodge an angry fireball that had been hurled across the room at you. Longan pulled your legs apart before looking down at your heat voraciously, almost wanting to consume you whole like a snake. You were out of overstimulation falling into a pleasure induced coma, not even able to let anything besides whimpers and soft cries out of your mouth as they wrecked your insides. There was no doubt, your orgasms were closing in on each other during this sinful race. They could easily snap and start hunting you down immediately. Oh, hello treasure. You felt the absence of their touch disappoint you as the heat from your sex worsened with the now cold rush of air that distanced it from Longan. You sat up, bringing their soft yet warm covers to your chest, looking at them as they started putting their clothes back on, navigating around their bedroom floor for their silken robes and golden accessories. very warm, even compared to their fellow dragons, and will hold you close whenever you feel cold or if heat soothes your pains, always has a hand on you, keeping you flush against their body so you know theyre there and will protect you - their grip getting harsher if theres another cookie nearby, carries you when they fly and enjoys showing you the world - telling you that youre above it all now, that you deserve it all and more, purrs when you touch or play with their hair but if anyone else gets close to them, theyll lash out at them violently, has you sleep on their chest so they can protect you even in their sleep, sees you as their most valuable treasure and tells you as such often, doesnt brag about you per-say, but anyone that sees you will know who you belong to because they have you wear their colours and the treasures theyve collected, will ask for your input on any of their schemes, valuing your input above even their own at times - but will violently shut down anyone else that tries to interject into your conversation, openly territorial over you as their dear mortal, Can i get all (or any dragon of ur choice), So! Remember my statement from earlier? You nodded quickly before apologizing with not a word not left stammered, Nononono wait..! Everywhere. Something was wrong. ", And out of the shadows stepped a familiar Cookie, donned in red-and-green scales. .Theyre even more protective over you, territorial towards perceived threats of the mateship. Some characters were made. Its difficult for me umto keep up, .Pitaya takes your request as seriously as they can and tries to speak as a speed good for you, though occasionally they slip back to their normal pace. No, not in any way. Hollyberry is impressed that you, in her words, managed to tame the beast., Pitaya bristles and insists that they are not tamed. ", You disappeared down the hall and peered hard into the shadows. (Cover made by @venvoid on Instagram, please check them out!) . Collect Dragonfruit Jellies that appear from the flames to swing the sword and destroy obstacles. However there is one other name they have for you, which they use on very special occasions, which is emas, or gold in Malay. As the silence engulfed you, you curled up in the bed, huddling in the blankets still a bit impregnated of their heat. If so, maybe a fluff where Pitaya slowly finds out about their crush on reader pls?? If a blanket was put on one of these snuggle piles, it would be akin to an oven. You violently shook your head no, your hair creating friction between the strands themselves and the dragon's clean creme colored sheets adorning their huge bed. Flirt with them in the draconic language? Both are extremely unhinged and need to go touch grass. The story of Dragon's Tail explains that it is actually the tip of the Greenish Red Dragon's tail, which is another name for Pitaya Dragon Cookie. Like Pitaya, Lychee loves to be pet. They refer to you as their most precious flower. I wanna see you choke like a good little one that you are" With this, they started to forcefully start bobbing your head up and down the shaft of their cock, quickening your pace on them further to increase their own sense of bliss. But hey, hope you liked it! They found good fun in crushing the weaker cookies even if their "fights" were boring and pathetic. But then you showed up, you were a new servant to the palace and what basically became a right of passage you had to personally deliver a barrel of Berry juice to the beast. That soundssss boring assss hell. Lychee Dragon pouted, dont be such a buzzkill! You both blink and The dragons seems to disappear in thin air. Lychee also likes to take you to help them mess with the other dragons. Bois de la Gorgue Bois de la Gorgue is a forest in Hauts-de-France.Bois de la Gorgue is situated nearby to the villages Allonville and Cardonnette. And so I brought them down to tell you all what we came up with, go on, tell them! Dinner. Longan suddenly said from the kitchen calmly, before Lychee let out a disappointed groan. They may also have these bonding nights with you where they wanna give you makeovers n such, like having a girls night, complete with wine, Facebook or Twitter, face masks with the cucumbers, Madonna, etc. They blinked slowly as they took time once again to revel in your submissive facial features. Be a bastard WITH them though. I have been meaning to ask about how did y/n cookie met the dragons and how they gained their favoritism? !~ EEEPEHEE! Now, Ananas are you ready? Pitaya Dragon Cookie speaks with a lisp, extending S-sounds in speech in a way that resembles hissing. If you spit it out I swear Swallow me. Longan ordered, their thumb slightly quivering under your chin. It comes to a boiling point when the cookies, with Braves gang in tow, return to the palace, the Lotus Dragon losing more of their patience when they once again didnt see you amongst the group. Pitaya Dragon Cookie is a Legendary Cookie released on October 10, 2019. You watched in bewilderment as they slowly moved, going down like a king cobra. They smiled at this and gripped your thigh in their hand, gently squeezing your tender flesh, letting their sharp nails settle on your skin, waiting for their call to imprint more marks onto you. Then why do I feel so weak? "Ugh! They make up period style nicknames that get weirder as the day goes on. . .. All in all, very creative and romantic in their own special way. Youll come with them, wont you? come on we need to leave.. Pitaya Dragon Cookie (OvenBreak) | Cookie Run Wiki . Pitaya Dragon Cookie is a Legendary-class "Cookie" and a playable antagonist in Cookie Run: OvenBreak, while also being a currently unplayable antagonist in Cookie Run: Kingdom. Anyway I really like your blog., you mfs LOVE these guys huh. You decided thats not a good sign, you take one step back. Did they choose to act on those feelings? If you wouldn't mind, could you write a lovesick Pitaya Dragon cookie? Or should we refer to this as sizes. You were so meek and had trouble speaking to others or starting anything social. Nevertheless, through their increasing volume of their grunts and moans, your kissed their tip while stroking off the other, giving him breath shuddering pleasure as they threw their head back. P.. Pitaya is always super warm on account of where they are from. I hope this didn't sound too friendzone-ish, as I've been told I favor some efforts into another. You could see both of their cocks twitch and pulsate when they touched you, how eager they were to be inside you. The monster of the Hollyberry jungle didnt understand why you lingered in their mind so much, but they believed they found the answer when they saw you fight. they hissed with relish. They emitted a low growl and let go of your shoulder, strings of saliva coming from your skin attaching to their fangs. It was a great enough sight to make Pitaya drool from excitement, the monster showing no mercy in response to you. As you wish, darling one..~ they whispered before ramming into you, quite roughly. Pitaya looked unamused. "And if you EVER come near her again, our next spar will be your last! Long-g-gaaaan..! Ah-hh Wa-a-aaait! You felt your orgasm peak as your vision turned blank white, yelling out your orgasm like a poor sinner in church, resulting in a loud groan from the lust filled dragon. That very moment shattered your soul into a million pieces. "You know, if I really wanted to, I could turn you to stone with but a glance. They tilted their head as they smiled just the tiniest bit at you. What did you all talk about? Longan what? They asked again, wanting you to fill in the blank for them. When you all took your leave, they made a quick request in return for the favor with their scale, that you should return sometime to spar again. They mercilessly continued on with their teasing, tracing their tongue further down, following your abdominal line and playfully circling your belly button. You sat with each other in a moment of silence before you started to speak, ever so foolishly. Sure, you got to attend exotic parties, eat exotic foods, and get your hands on the luxuries that common Cookies simply couldn't imagine. They licked their lips at the feeling and looked to you, your face expressing fear, which he growled lustfully at. Merry Go Round of Life or Dearly Beloved in the background of course, some nice soft songs, leaving you both warm and comfy within the guise of the setting sun. So sweet as well, your flavor is utterly exquisite to me.". Y/N soon began to feel like they're going to die due to tickling(which will be the most awkward death ever if they do), like they were ready to explode. .Honestly it was a bit flattering that Pitaya cared so much about you and you wanted to show your own appreciation. After what seemed lik forever, they finally broke the kiss, a trail of saliva connecting the two of you together, like a land bridge. HmI think you're right, (Y/N) Cookie.". Soft. Well, I do enjoy treasures Pitayas chest huffed outwards as they thought to themself; treasures were always nice and shiny, treasures made them happy, if the mortal that they cared for caught their heart like this then maybe they had some sort of gift or hidden power? Playing hard to get huh? They love it too much to take it. You started to call them dear, just to see how they would react. Everything is done harshly and rushed, like a feral dog ready to bite you. Dragons were massive compared to cookies and much hardier as well, the one looking upon your form is quite infamous as well. ananasdragoncookie cookierun purevanillacookie +9 more # 4 . Pitaya Dragon Cookie x Shy/Weak!Reader HCs .Pitaya dragon cookie is a rough and violent dragon; they crave destruction and love a good fight. They whispered as you started to pant from the kiss, still recovering you bit your now bruised lower lip, wearing an incandescent shade of red that sparkled like diamonds. Also feel free to ignore this, this is also my first time requesting to you so I'm sorry for my english) Thank you! You think Longan is romantic and caring?? Now here they were, looking at you curled up on the ground beaten with jam flowing from their claw marks. And Pitaya hated that they felt that way. All the roughness aside, pitaya is soft and affectionate with you, they would always gift you jewelry pitaya thinks they suits you alot. And due to that you already see that, they started to laugh uncontrollably. Oh, they had it when they brought it with them. "Was that the gold you were searching for?" I just saw your request is open soo I was wondering to request about cookie run kingdom Hollyberry cookie having a sweet and cheery/happy female s/o cookie (you can turn them into gn if you want) who is a good fighter but Hollyberry never knew it so what if Hollyberry cookie find out? That one visit would to multiple ones, to the point where they would be daily visits! ^^You will have to play doctor when they get into scraps with random warriors and knights looking to prove themselves. You felt the left tip touch your lips as you tried to open your mouth, but you found it hard to do so. You yelled out, tears ran down your face as your tongue started lulling out of your mouth. "You're so sexy" You thought as you eyeballed him like a shocked high schooler eying their crush. They looked at you with hunger in their eyes, staring down at your heat with near drool escaping their lips. I-I-I AGH! Apologies in advance, I may have strayed off in some parts! Again, from the Sugar List! Pick one and suck. Longan said almost emotionlessly, as though it was a command. ! The walls crumbled and shook as the dragon bellowed, the armour they donned of their fallen dragon foes scales clicking and clacking with the movement of the dragon, their claws finding their hair as they tugged and pulled, pupils turning into nothing more than slits as they stared down the follower. You either pick something from a hat or, you spin a bottle, and whomever the bottle lands on, or whomever the item in the hat belongs to, is the person you have to spend an amount of time in a closed off space together with. Lychee was dancing to themselves as they reveled in their victory. After Hollyberry left the kingdom Pitaya had been restless and bored, taking their frustrations out on everything they ruled. However, they could be given the opportunity to see you again, but on the grounds that you are to be shared among the group, reader is assumed as gender neutral and as the dragon cookies spouse. Their golden eyes bore into yours, as if thry were about to reep your soul. You suspected Hollyberry Cookie was trying to get your mind off of her little slip-up, but it didn't matter. HAH! .Pitaya will hiss and growl at anyone they deem a threat to you, keeping you close to their side when youre out. Theyre a teddy bear practically look! You were just a cookie, yet you were doing THIS to them! They panted and caught themselves, before you felt their tantalizing warmth leave your body. However, the rest of the royal court didn't see it that way. Hydrangea is infinitely jealous of the attention you receive from the Dragon. For you, babe!~ cue the ring of fire that transforms into a heart, a demon popping out of it with a stuffed plush heart that says u cute on it. Like those that had tried to leave their mark, Pitaya dared not try and remember the faces of those that came to serve them as a master, lay down their lives in hopes that they would gain the dragons everlasting favour until the day they died, but yet none seemed to stand out amongst the sea of faces that blurred in and out of existence the more they stared at them. They could only look downwards at the ground as they replayed memories as Mangosteen Cookie in their head, as you smiled at them, as you gave them words of support, patted their head. Oh, your face when they told you was hilarious! These cuddles are very warm as well, especially where ever youre touching Pitaya. Jeez, they need to stop distracting theirself with random thoughts and memories- Thanks to the Witches, their body haven't cracked, " ah, here you finally are. Even if youre from the Mala tribe there are still those who can easily outpower you. Sitting up, you try your best to keep your calm and to not let them stir you, causing them to smile ever so slightly. Theyre so preppy that they call you these nicknames whether in private or public, they dont care about what people think about your relationship with them. Trying to warn Dino and Milk that perhaps digging into the mountain to get the dragons attention may not be the best idea. okay theyre stiff as hell with nicknames. You were glad you had been able to keep it a secret all these years, but you knew how sensitive Hollyberry Cookie was when it came to defending herself. Come on! Fuck some shit up together . Maybe if you were here, youd be safe. Time to get fluffy! Ive heard of this game before. Ill just go back to sleep and tell (friends name) about it later.. Oh! They always gather a few water lilies to thread through your hair when you are around. The stoic ivory dragon, emotionless yet yearning, stood at their stove and waited for their rice noodles. So they try to be as understanding as possible to make sure you dont leave them. They kissed you passionately, once again, just like in the beginning. It was almost like an aphrodisiac for them to see, your red flushed face and bruised lips, red glossy eyes looking as though you were about to cry, they loved every bit of your expression, and after basking in it for a dew seconds, they swept back onto your body, wrists still in their hand with a groan as they took your mouth in another rough kiss, shoving their tongue into your mouth once more to claim new warm territory. Pitaya Dragon Cookie. Although you took quite a beating from them, you managed to arrest them and escort the boy to safety. CARRY THEM. If one of them sees you handing out affection than the other will be extremely salty and demand attention as well. It can be half and half with them. ". Will not admit it no matter what you or the other dragons do but they love to be babied when tired. "I know, okay? Sets up dates that usually have some kind of entertainment like going to hibachi grills where they cook in front of you, it stimulates his tingling braincells and he loves seeing you laugh. Pitaya vs Yandere! Hydrangea would follow their sentiment once more, how hard was it to get a cookie to see the palace, why havent they made a wish? Its the thought that counts! You were pretty much the only cookie they missed when the dust settled. Pitaya had not a single clue as to why they had done what they done, but instead of casting them away like most that had dared disrespected them, something was different about this human it was a strange, warm feeling, warmer than their lava encrusted heart, a feeling that frustrated and yet comforted them the moment that they had scooped you into their chest and taken you further into the cave, away from the bitter rain that had created a sheet of white on the ground that very night, deeper into the cave that you would soon call home. Based on the amount of strength you posess can lead you to a softer Pitaya or an absolute sadistic bitch from the depths of hell. Wildberry Cookie alerted me in a rather frantic state. After all, you had to apologise for stealing their heart like this. You took this oppertunity to try and escape, since you heard the timer on Ananas's phone go off a second ago. How about we not! You were trying to speak, despite coherent words being nearly impossible for you. ^^Uneducated in mortal courtship, Pitaya was VERY confused at your reaction when they unassumingly presented you with a pair of matching gold rings. Something struck them in their chest, deep in the soul stone. . . . You walk over to the living room to see if (friends name) left that a mess too. Theyll push you to your limits, barely letting you dodge from their fierce jabs. YOULL ADORE THEM LIKE THE OTHERS WONT YOU?! Abilities. One thing you noticed was that they ran off into the kitchen where Longan was. They brought death and destruction wherever they flew, shattered kingdoms and took joy in the suffering they caused. Mangosteens charm didnt seem to have much effect on you, just perfect. A little dribble of cold blood left their mouth. Going upward, they reached your lips, licking them almost impatiently. You found yourself to slowly succumb to some kind of erotic fever that took over your body. A big ol kitty cat. The overall deal is that Y/N Cookie has this natural charisma about them that makes cookies warm up to them at a faster rate then the others. You plan some elaborate jokes as well. Im so disgusting you uttered. , The Secret Life of a Hollyberrian Handmaiden, Pairing: Friendship-Established, Hollyberry Cookie x Reader But as you beat down each servant their mind started to swirl. Top 45 Pitaya Dragon Cookie X Reader Recipes . This is all just a bad dream. You put both your hands on your face. Now, with them eating you out like candy, your body then started a war with itself. Pitaya Dragon soars into the air and engulfs the world in flames at certain intervals. Are they more cliche or creative? Lil skrunks I lub em, 400 Followers Milestone Event Draconic Five (Pitaya, Ananas, Lotus, Lychee and Longan with well thats pretty clear now is it just look above sjdjdka). They enjoy being your personal heated blanket on cold nights. Web Pitaya Dragon Cookie X Reader Recipes with Ingredients and Nutrition Info, cooking tips and meal ideas from top chefs around the world. This one was a BUNCH of fun to write! He was just a child on the streets back then, but he had wandered obliviously into an alleyway and was quickly, but not surprisingly, ambushed by a group of thugs. They then bent down keeping eye contact with you as they did so. What? Let me pull you to the side right quick., Ananas then guided Longan into their kitchen, turning their head to wink at you. Pitaya Dragon Cookie was the first Legendary Cookie to have a combi.Pitaya Dragon Cookie's name is somewhat redundant; "dragon fruit" is another name for "pitaya."Pitaya Dragon Cookie's tail is cut off, as Knight Cookie cut it off in the past and it is now Dragon's Tail. The other dragons assembled in a circle, surrounding the bottle that you had put on the ground. However, the ivory dragon didn't take a very good liking to this, and quickly took your wrists and pinned them above your head with a fast, yet furious motion. Their body was naturally toned, with small scars littering their body to repsresent the many battles that they have been in, and the amount of resistance that their body has built up over the many centuries that they have lived through. After once again explaining how the game works, they all picked a number. As understanding as possible to make sure you dont leave them pair of matching gold.... 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